RECENT ENGAGEMENT Yanco Associates Engaged by Occidental of Elk Hills, Inc.Transmission & Distribution ConsultingOctober–November, 2008 -- Yanco Associates had previously worked with OEHI to develop alternative facilities and systems plans to increase the available power from the local utility (PG&E) from the existing 125 MVA to 450 MVA. Our plan called for the removal of the 115 kV interconnection and the installation of a new 230 kV substation, additional 115 kV transmission lines and substations, reconfiguration of the existing 115 kV lines, and the addition of new circuit breakers, air-break switches, and the reconductoring of the existing 115 kV transmission lines. OEHI asked Yanco Associates to review their load flow studies and the alternative configurations suggested by staff. Noting possible issues, Yanco Associates updated the plans to allow for efficient and effective scheduling, construction, and operation. Based on this modified design, Yanco Associates was asked to develop and prepare the material requirements, engineering documents, installation specifications, and the commissioning requirements, including the RFPs for labor and materials. This work is going forward in accordance with these plans. For More Information Contact: |
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